What's in a name?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You must know by now that the name of my business is Cherche. You may ask how I got to choosing that name. I wrote down a list of things that I like: all things southern, birds (not real ones, just decorative), magnolias, lemons, love knots, Ivy, charms etc. The list went on and on. Andrew was determined that I stick with something that was true to me and my heritage. He thought it would be fitting to choose something French, so he suggested "The Bayou Iris." I said, "No!" But he got me thinking about French words, so I called my momma.

Mom had a couple of favorite words in French. I love words, so I was very willing to hear what she had in mind. The first word she suggested was "chercher" which means to seek, to search, to hunt after. This, I loved since it suited what my business is all about "searching!" I really warmed up to this "French word idea" for my business, but I wanted non-French speaking people (like myself) to be able to spell and say the word without intimidation. So I dropped the "r", and I went with past participle, "Cherche", meaning to have searched for.

I must confess that I have a greater passion than shopping: I love to write. I always have, but I've had "writer's block" for a while now; about 2 years! This "Cherche" word couldn't be more fitting for what my business is all about, but more than that, it allows me to write about all things that we search for: a perfect center piece for a table, the right dress for the right party, the Civil War print, the perfect lipstick shade. The ultimate search, though, that I feel tugging at my heart is the search to seek the face of God.

Being the owner of a vintage and antique jewelry business, I am supposed to tell you that you need a one-of-a-kind piece from Cherche'. I've got some really neat stuff, and I hope you'd want a piece for you, your sister, your mom, or your wife. But you really don't need it. I hope my business conveys what we really need to be searching for.

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