I love Jesus and cigars

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The birthday train is over for me. Sad day. But I couldn't let this week go by without sharing my birthday pictures. The mountain picnic excursion was the week before my birthday. This is different; this was the actual celebratory day. (You think I like my birthday or what?) This has a jewelry related story, I promise!

The day started as Andrew let me sleep in, which I NEVER do, and he served me breakfast in bed. What a treat! (He even put a flower on the serving tray.)

The weather on this day was just beautiful. That was a present in itself! We ate Chicken Sauce Picante that night, thanks to my mom's frozen cuisine. It was delicious, and that only thing I wanted after that was for us to go out for wine and cheese at "Halfway to Habana." Andrew was completely enthused by this because they have cigars, obviously.

So I put on my "Tuesday night best", and we went out! Andrew had it all set up with the owner to tell us about the wine, that goes with the cheese, that goes with the cigars. CIGARS? I didn't want cigars!

Well apparently I did because the next thing I know, this happens....

Let me explain, I had a chocolate/coffee flavored cigar which was the best "dessert" for a sweet-tooth like me! It was delicious. Really, try it sometime.

An assortment of different cheeses.

Our wine, cigar, bread, and cheese set-up.

Enjoying my day.

Here's the correlation to Cherche' jewelry: The owner ended up sitting with us for a long while teaching us the art of wine and cigars. (It wasn't too bustling on a Tuesday night, obviously.) He of course asked what we do. Long story short, I told him about my jewelry business, and he'd like for me to stop on by with my findings! He'd like to showcase them in his window display to sell. What an amazing turn of events. And even better, he wants Andrew to sketch and paint artwork for the restaurant.

So I had a great birthday, with great company, food, wine, cigars, and even a business prospect! God is faithful. God is good.

I thank Him for my sweet birthday and my sweet husband, too.

"For great is his LOVE toward us, and the FAITHFULNESS of the Lord endures forever. Praise the LORD." Psalm 117:2

1 comment:

Sarah Barry said...

What fun...reminds me of some of the things Stephen and I did during "our first year." What good times!

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