Another show

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I've been asking Andrew to take some pictures of my new finds, but he's just so busy writing on our other blog and getting ready to leave for The Masters. {Well excuse me.}

If you're interested in our personal lives, click on the icon at the top right. I'm going to spare you my personal happenings (or mishaps) on this site; this will be dedicated to all things vintage and all things jewelry!

We have a jewelry show coming up in Anderson on April 29, so if you're in the area for some strange reason, stop by the adorable cafe, "Ooh La Lolly" at 7 o'clock. (Lolly's an Auburn grad!)

Andrew did not design this ad; like I said, he's too busy. I bet you tell he didn't create this if you've seen any of his previous designs. This a good ad and all, but I can spot an Andrew Lee ad like nobody's business! 

Let me know if you'd like to host a show in your area. My dates are filling up quickly, but hopefully we can work something out! I'll have to get Andrew to help me with those spread sheet things so you can see my availability. 

Yet another thing to put on his "honey do" list....Poor thing.

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