Old School: The Evidence

Friday, April 30, 2010

Digging through some old pics, I found the evidence. Here's the proof that I am meant to be a lady of leisure.

Please notice this jewelry girl definitely had her necklace on when she went to "The City" with the ladies. Here I'm with my great, great aunt, Nan-Tee. Her husband was my Uncle Whitney.


And just for fun,  I thought I'd add the handsome Southern boy that I married. 

I have this picture at my desk. It makes me smile every time I see it. 

When I come across more, I'll share. They're just too good not to. 

My momma's in town!!!! We're going to the mountains today, and it'll be my 10th weekend out of town in a row! It'd be nice to stay home, but why stop now? 


Commander Pest Admin said...

Hello Whitney! I wanted to stop by the blog and tell you how much I enjoyed meeting you Thursday evening at Lolly's birthday and seeing your beautiful jewelry collection. I am still thinking about those Chanel earrings. :) Best wishes!! Dorothy Camak

Ashley Beth said...

Nice blue flats, Nanny Claire!

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