
Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm proud to show some of my "findings!" Here is a set of black crystals that looks great with all black or jewel-tones or anything really. The necklace clasp is made of vintage rhinestones.

So here is the collection of sterling silver bangle bracelets. Some of them go as a set but can be purchased separately. Note: the bangle to the far left has 3 sapphires in the etching, the 4th bangle holds a turquoise stone, and the small hammered bangle contains an amethyst. Click for a larger view!
Also note, this jewelry display is actually an old Chinese boot scraper which is also up for purchase!

I'll be posting a few stories on these items later today. I hope you care to know more about my search!


Ashley Beth said...

great job, whit!

Unknown said...

Whitney, I think that this is great. I'll look for you stuff down here too in my travels.
You know my business came to be just like this. I raised children for 20 years and when Amanda moved out to go to college, I completely fell apart. I was so lost without my kids and that role. I had a great husband that worked all the time (and still does) and I was lonely, so I completely understand how you feel. Just keep looking. You go girl!!!

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